Dates and Venues for 2024-25 Live Events
16th May 2024
Our events for 2024-25 are shaping up nicely. So that you can start penciling things into your diary, these are the dates and venues we have so far…
A Level RS (Philosophy/Ethics)
** Tuesday 19th November (Worcester Cathedral)
** Friday 22nd November (London, Bloomsbury Baptist Church)
** Monday 3rd March (Coventry Cathedral)
** Wednesday 12th March (Manchester, Methodist Central Hall)
** Friday 21st March (London, Bloomsbury Baptist Church)
A Level RS (Christianity)
** Monday 25th November (London, Bloomsbury Baptist Church)
** Thursday 6th March (St Peter’s School, York)
** Thursday 20th March (London, Bloomsbury Baptist Church)
GCSE RS (Christianity & Ethics)
** Tuesday 26th November (London, Bloomsbury Baptist Church)
** Thursday 27th February (Manchester, Methodist Central Hall)
** Tuesday 4th March (Coventry Cathedral)
** Tuesday 18th March (London, Bloomsbury Baptist Church)
There are still a couple of other dates and venues tbc.
We will be launching details of the events and sessions during half-term.