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Revelation A Level Notes (x10)


These student-notes accompanied our Year 12 A Level Religious Studies event in 2019-20.  The 32 page A4 booklets are printed in full colour on magazine-style paper and come in packs of 10.  The notes are packed with information, including useful quotations, as well as learning activities.  They cover topics common to all English examination boards’ A Level specifications, including:

  1. Revelation! Exploring revelation and particularly Religious Experience as a way that people know about God. The notes consider both the difficulty of defining Religious Experience, whether and how it can be used as warrant for faith or even an argument for God’s existence.  The work of James, Otto, Swinburne and Franks Davis, Stace and Alston in this area are all covered in some detail.
  2. Is God Necessary? This section of the notes opens up three possible meanings for the word “necessary” in relation to God, comparing and evaluating the Cosmological Argument and the Ontological Argument as ways of showing that God is necessary before considering Habermas’ argument from “An Awareness of what is Missing” (2010) that belief in God is necessary for the well-being of individuals and societies.
  3. The Moral Law:  This section of the notes considers whether there are any moral absolutes and, if so, what they are and where they come from. Perspectives from Divine Command Ethics, Natural Law, Situation Ethics and Kantian Ethics are explained, opened up and evaluated in detail.
  4. DEBATE: This house believes injustice cannot be made up for through the afterlife. The final section of the notes sets out different perspectives on the motion, including arguments from Augustine, Irenaeus, Aquinas, Kant and Hick.

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